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Solanum Traditio

Collaborative project with Lizet Díaz Machuca, Marco Chevarría, Ronald Romero, Tania Castro, Luis Justino Lizárraga, Daniel Huamán Masi. Cusco-Lima-Vienna, 2015 - 2016.

Collaborative interdisciplinary project by interdisciplinary performance artist Emilio Santisteban. Part of the collective and curatorial project 9.000 km. Häppchen, Vienna, October 2015.

Solanum traditio is a collaborative project with a multidisciplinary team from Cusco and Lima, Peru. It takes the potato as its central focus (in testimonial videos, written articles and informative images), as an allegory, or perhaps metaphor, for issues implicit in global culture in the current process of globalisation with a critical migratory emphasis.

9000 km Häppchen - wanderndes Wissen, the exhibition of which Solanum Traditio is a part, is a curatorial collective project, part of a larger set of projects at the SOHO festival in Ottakring, Vienna, consisting of community discussions and artistic-scientific actions in the 16th district of the city of Vienna. It addresses the ignored knowledge of non-Western cultures (indigenous ecofacts in use in Europe), cultural hybridity as a product of global migration and post-colonial discourse. With the participation of Hansel Sato (Peru/Austria), Carla Bobadilla (Chile/Austria), Baduc Gibaja (Peru/Austria), Marija Mojca Pungerčar (Slovenia), Sandra Monterroso (Guatemala/Austria), Emilio Santisteban (Peru).

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© Emilio Santisteban

Emilio Santisteban, artista interdisciplinario de performance. Perú. Contacto.

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