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My work is mainly developed in interdisciplinary and performative media in the political, economic, social and cultural spheres, both in a global and Peruvian context.

I have exhibited in Berlin Art Week 2021-IFA-Galerie; Trienal Deformes de Performance, Santiago de Chile; Bellas Artes: Una trayectoria de imágenes (1918-2018), Galería Germán Krüger Espantoso, ICPNA; Über die Straße sind wir gekommen, Kunstraum Suburbia Galerie, Linz, 2014; XIII SOHO in Ottakring Festival, Vienna; Colección de Arte Contemporáneo del Museo de Arte de San Marcos (curated by Juan Peralta), Centro Cultural UNMSM, 2011; Linha Luíquida, Museo Memorial de América Latina, São Paulo, 2009; IV Bienal de Tijuana; Accionismo en el Perú 1965 -2000 (curated by Emilio Tarazona), ICPNA, 2005; VIII Bienal de La Habana; III Bienal de Porto Alegre; VII Bienal de El Cairo; IV Bienal de Cuenca and XXVIII Festival Internacional de Cagnes-Sur-Mer, among other exhibitions.

In 2022 my work in performance of the absent body, the host body, non-human bodies and other forms of performance not focused on presence or human bodily activity, was included in the International Performance Art Archive in Cologne by the University of Bonn. My agricultural and performance art project of non-human bodies Cultivar Trilce (Urubamba, Sacred Valley of the Incas, Cusco, 2022-2027) received an Economic Stimulus for Culture 2022 award from the Peruvian Ministry of Culture. In the past, I have received the Gold Medal of Fine Arts, the Seguros Atlas Fine Arts Award, the CCC National Award and the 2V'S Award.


Currently, together with teaching artist Mauricio Vargas and agronomist Francisco Díaz, I'm working on Ramtun, a project-based learning work through agricultural art, linking the Mapuzungun language, Pablo Neruda's poetry and potato cultivation (Isla Negra, 2024-2041?).


CV Emilio Santisteban

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